Prophet VS sn#0645 Housing * Top & Bottom Panels * Serial Number #645 * As-Is * $98
Prophet VS Housing * Top & Bottom * Includes AC Transformer, fuse, & power switch * As-Is
In the past a pot was installed on the control panel.
Prophet VS sn#645
Transformer, fuse, voltage select switch, power switch & AC jack, are all connected.
The cost of shipping is additional & depends on your location,
email for a shipping quote.
Click or Tap on pictures below to enlarge.
New OLED display for Prophet VS $69
Includes all parts & instructions for Prophet VS OLED installation.
Click or Tap picture to enlarge.
Collector's Corner * Original 1987 OS Prophet®VS OS ROMs * 2 sets *****Version 1.0 and Version 1.1***** $19.87
Original Prophet®VS OS ROMs from 1987. *** $19.87 ***
Original Prophet®VS 1986 brochure $15
Original Prophet VS brochure from 1986 - pages 2 & 3
Original Prophet VS brochure from 1986 - pages 1 & 4
Prophet®VS Sound Sets $19.97 each SysEx files with delivery by email
Prophet VS SYSEX Sound Sets contain 100 programs & waveforms.
Install 100 programs & waves into your Prophet VS memory via MIDI SysEx files from any of the 6 Prophet VS sound sets available for $19.97 each. Select any of the six (6) Sound Sets of VS Programs available, each Sound Set contains 100 Prophet VS programs.
VS Sound Set#1 - original Sequential factory sounds VS Sound Set#2 - gig-type Sequential factory sounds VS Sound Set#3 - gig-type non-factory sounds VS Sound Set#4 - best of sounds #1, #2, #3 VS Sound Set#5 - gig-type with some spacey sounds VS Sound Set#6 - gig-type with no spacey sounds
Get all six (6) VS Sound Sets for $99 in SysEx files with delivery by email.
Click or Tap on picture to enlarge
Original Prophet VS Operations Manual CM2400B in SEQUENTIAL 3-ring binder **April 1986**