Revision 3 Prophet-5 Voice Board #4 untested & unpopulated (No CEM or VCA ICs).
Prophet-5 MIDI Kit $249
A MIDI kit with v10-5 OS is available from Wine Country for the Revision 3.2 or 3.3 Prophet-5 that offers MIDI IN and OUT jacks, with operation in OMNI & POLY Modes over 16 MIDI channels with program select & alternate release, plus response to incoming pitch wheel data in 3-ranges & current program MIDI data dumps. Installation and operational instructions are included. Estimate 2 to 3 hours for MIDI kit installation by a competent service technician.
Prophet-5 Rev3.2/3.3 MIDI kit installed
Prophet-5 Rev2 Pitch/Mod Box $35
Pitch/Mod Box for the Revision 2 Prophet-5 for $35.
Revision 3.0 Prophet-5 Critical Parts ***** Drop-in Replacements ***** Original ICs * NOT Clones
A failure in any one of these ICs will result in a bad voice.
Original #I-319/CEM3310 Envelope Generator IC $95
Original #I-320/CEM3320 VCF IC SOLD OUT
Original #I-321/CEM3340 VCO IC SOLD OUT
Original #I-322/CA3280 dual VCA IC SOLD OUT
ICs available while supplies last
CEM3310 Envelope Generator $95
click or tap on pictures to enlarge
Two (2) Spreaders * Front & Rear * $38 for Prophet-5 walnut housing
Prophet-5 walnut housing Front and Rear Spreaders * Both spreaders for $38 ****************36 inches long****************
Prophet-5 walnut housing Front and Rear Spreaders * Both spreaders for $38
Revision 1 Prophet-5 control panel $149
Original #I-226/6508 SRAM IC $25
#I-226/6508 SRAM ICs used in the Rev1 and Rev2 Prophet-5 are $25 each.
Six (6) Pratt-Read J-wires $28
Six (6) J-wires for Pratt-Read keyboard.
*** Six (6) J-wires plus Two (2) key springs *** Two (2) J-wire guides ** Two (2) PC standoffs $35
Six (6) J-wires plus Two (2) key springs, Two (2) J-wire guides, & Two (2) PC standoffs * $35
click or tap on pictures to enlarge
Original Prophet-5 Rev3 Operations Manual in Sequential Circuits binder SHIPPING INSIDE USA
Prophet-5 Rev 3 Ops Manual * April 1980 *
Used Original
Prophet-5 Rev3
Operations Manual CM1000D
in a Sequential Circuits 3-ring binder for $49
shipping inside the USA
New Silent Running Toroid Transformer for the Prophet-5 Rev2 or Rev3 $65
Silent Running Toroid Transformer for the Revision 2 & Revision 3 Prophet-5s.
Toroid transformer installed in Prophet-5. Estimate 1 hour for installation time by a competent service technician.
Pitch & Mod pots and brackets $25
Used in the Prophet-10, Pro One, Prophet 600, Prophet-T8, Sixtrak, Split-8
Pitch/Mod wheels and Detent Clip pictured are NOT included.
Red Fuse Cap & 3/4 amp slo blo fuse $22
Original Sequential Circuits Rev2 parts from Prophet-5 serial number 0581
Click or Tap on pictures to enlarge.
Used Sequential Circuits Revision 2 Parts
from Prophet-5 serial number 0581
Bottom Panel with transformer, power switch, & jacks $129
Control Panel SOLD
Pitch Mod Box SOLD
Center Walnut Spreader SOLD
Front Walnut Spreader $59
Rear Walnut Spreader $39
black aluminum bracket for front spreader $29
right side keyboard mounting bracket $19
Shipping cost is additional & depends on your location.
Shipping is additional. If you are interested in purchasing original Sequential Circuits parts from Wine Country please email us at
Your address is required to determine the COST OF SHIPPING.